A place pupils can develop in an Unique Individual Dynamic way

As a Maths Tutor, pupils were coming to me as they needed to improve their Maths in some way, whether to improve grades or confidence in their ability.

However I soon realised that many pupils needed much more than support with maths to help them to cope better in the mainstream school system.  

We all remember how hard it can it can be going through this stage of our lives. 

We reminisce about how great things were when we were younger and how we’d love to have all day to play on the Playstation or hang out with friends, but for many pupils, it’s not always the case.

So many young people I have tutored have seemed somewhat lost and unsure of their place in the world.  They want to do well at school, but the real thing holding them back is not their academic ability.  It’s those insecurities, those worries and anxieties about how (and whether) they fit into the world that are the root cause of their struggle to meet their target grades.  I know this, as I was one of those pupils – and some of you reading this probably were too.

So I decided to create Mathemy Mindset.  A Tutoring Company with a pupil-first approach.  A safe place where pupils can improve themselves academically first and foremost, but also find help if they need support navigating other areas of their life.  Help with managing their emotions, improving their self-esteem and resilience, feeling more confident in social situations, improving productivity, accessing revision tips to help them manage their workloads – and so much more.

I then realised that I needed to find other Tutors like me.  Those who had the same passion for supporting pupils as I did.  Who first and foremost were kind, understanding, passionate and really cared for their pupils.  Tutors whose pupils look forward to their tutoring sessions; that helped them to understand that their lessons wouldn’t just help them get great grades, but would also allow them to develop other life skills and coping strategies and provide much needed support.

And so Mathemy Mindset began...